C-Programming Contents
Session:- 2 hours (conceptual and practical)
Special:- Weekly Test (Sunday) + Doubts
Ratio:- 1:1 (One Computer: One Student)
Batch Size:- 1:4 (One Batch: Four Students)
Benefits:- Basic and Core Concepts of C Programming (Base)
Practical and Real Approach of Programming.
Covers Base of C++/Java/Python.
Duration:- One Month FEE: Contact Office
Unit 1. Fundamental of C, History, D.A., I.D.E., Programming Architecture, Assignments.
Unit 2. Data Type, Variables, Declaration, Initialization, Input from User, Assignments.
Unit 3. Operators, Type of Operators, priority order, operations on variable, Assignments.
Unit 4. Decision Support System, if-else, nested if-else, switch case, Assignments.
Unit 5. Iteration, loops, Types of Loops, do while, while, for, Assignments.
Unit 6. Nested loops, Series, Pattern Programming, Assignments.
Unit 7. Arrays, need, Integer Type Single dimensional, Float Type Single dimensional.
Unit 8. Integer Type Double dimensional, Float Type Double dimensional.
Unit9. String Handling, Array of Strings.
Unit 10. Pointer, need, types of pointer, variable and pointer, Pointer arithmetic.
Unit 11. Modularity, Function, Called Function, Calling Function, call by value, call by reference, call by address.
Unit 12. Structure, need, Structure with Arrays, Structure with Pointer.
Unit 13. File Handling, FILE Pointer, read and write to a File.
Unit 14. Link List, Stack and Queue, Operation on Link List.
Unit 15. Final Test and doubts.